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Sun Valley Presbyterian Church

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Service  Hours


Sunday School  
9:00 am (Sept - May)


Worship Service  
10:30 am

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”  

[1 John 1:5]

To Sun Valley Family and Friends,


Dear Friends, last night the session met to review and discuss the current COVID-19 pandemic.  As the days unfold, the outbreak of this virus is growing significantly, much to the worries of everyone.  First, we offer our prayers for the many who have become ill, and to the families of loved ones who have died.  We pray to the Lord that the Spirit will fill the world with healing and peace.


Second, we acknowledge the CDC’s advice and the governor’s proclamation to limit group events to no more than 10 people, and to take other precautions including social distancing, frequent hand washing, use of sanitizer, careful cleaning of our facility, limiting travel, and protecting those who are at high risk.  To that end, we feel that it is necessary to cancel in-person worship for the next two Sundays and replace it with a live Facebook page feed.


If you are already a member of Facebook, make sure you have “liked” the Sun Valley page. Then, on Sunday, the Facebook live should show up in your Facebook feed. If it does not, you can search “Sun Valley Presbyterian Church” in your Facebook search bar (the magnifying glass at the top of your page) and find the feed that way (this will also work if you did not “like” the Sun Valley Facebook page ahead of time too). If you have not joined Facebook yet, you will have to create a Facebook account, using an active email address before you complete the steps listed above to have access to the live video.


We realize that not everyone has access or wants to be involved with social media or Facebook.  We apologize for having to go to this method of worship, and note that this is the quickest, easiest option for now.  We will continue to look at options as we move forward.


It may be necessary to cancel worship into April, but we feel that we should review and confirm these decisions periodically.  The session will meet again on March 31 to finalize plans for Easter.  If we must cancel Easter services as they are currently planned, we will be rescheduling the Easter celebration for a time that would be safe.  When that time comes, we will need to celebrate boldly and mightily as we come out of this pandemic wilderness experience!


Third, for the rest of this month, we are cancelling or postponing all other group activities at the church.  This includes postponing the Spaghetti Supper from March 21st to a date after Easter, the rummage sale from March 27-28 to May 1-2, many home communion visits from the end of March to after Easter, Sunday School classes, and choir practices.  Additionally, other events that have been cancelled or postponed include all scout activity, Strong Women exercise classes, ADRC support group meetings, quilters and stitchers meetings, Wednesday Community Lenten services, and the remaining Dartball playoff schedule.  We will be collecting the One Great Hour of Sharing offering after we return to worship, so keep filling those fish!


As we continue through this pandemic, remember that the church is NOT closed.  Office hours continue on Mondays and Fridays beginning at 8:30 am.  Pastor Dave is available for visits in person if appropriate or on the phone as needed.  You can reach him at 608.365.7547 (phone calls only) or at  In addition, Pastor Dave and several others will be checking in with certain older members of the church family to make sure they are faring well through this pandemic.


Unfortunately, this situation is going to put heavy pressure on the church’s financial circumstances.  Even when we slow down many activities, the church bills continue to pile up.  If it is at all possible, please mail your pledges and gifts to the church marked “Attn. Edie Porter.”  If you were going to do an “Adopt A Bill” gift, feel free to send us an “extra contribution” instead.  The church address is: 1650 Sun Valley Drive, Beloit, WI 53511.  We greatly appreciate your continued support.


In this time of uncertainty, it is important for each of us to take the steps necessary to protect ourselves and our community.  If you are ill, stay home and contact your medical provider.  If you are worried, especially because you are older or in a vulnerable class or both, stay home and call Pastor Dave.  If you are able, stay in touch with church friends and neighbors and offer them help as they need it.  Wash your hands and pray often.  Soap cleans our bodies and prayer cleans our souls!  Above all, don’t panic.  God is good, all the time, and God will help us get through this situation.


Peace,  Pastor Dave and the Session

Sun Valley
Presbyterian Church

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1650 Sun Valley Drive

Beloit, Wisconsin 53511

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